Volkswagen für Respekt und Toleranz

Are you between 16 and 25 years old?
What comes to mind when it comes to the topic of “respect and tolerance”? Thoughts are free! Take your time and think about it. Then look closely: What do you want to change? What do you want to draw attention to? Get involved with films, campaigns, projects, initiatives, events and whatever else comes to mind.

Have you carried out a project, are you in the middle of a project or do you have a wonderful idea for a project that is directed against racism and violence and advocates more respect and tolerance? The project will be carried out by a class, a group, a club or by you alone? Do you have creative project ideas related to the topic of diversity and would like to show them in, for example, a video message? Then you are exactly right here! Let's truly live “Respect - No Room for Racism” and implement these colorful thoughts as an idea.


Eva Timar (∗1926, ✡2008) was transferred to the SS-Reitschule concentration camp subcamp near Braunschweig with around 600 women in mid-December 1944. There they had to clear away rubble and snow in the city. Eva became weaker and weaker. In February 1945 she was sent to the Watenstedt/Leinde concentration camp subcamp with many other sick prisoners who were no longer able to work. She expected the worst, but she was taken straight to the infirmary. On the 7th/8th The SS cleared the camp in April 1945. After about a week the train reached the Ravensbrück concentration camp. After two weeks, the inmates who were able to walk continued on foot to an unknown destination. On May 1st, the exhausted prisoners reached the Malchow concentration camp, where they were liberated by the Red Army the following day.

